Success Stories

Anna Yuan

Hi Pastor Steve,


How are you? Every time I think of you, I think about your enthsuiam, passion and love for the Lord and towards His people! I can sense the urgency of the things you are doing for the Lord! Thank you for being an example for us, thank you for modeling the life of a servant to us, thank you for your sacrifice, obedience and endurance, thank you for sharing the revelations with us with gladness, thank you for sending me the teaching notes every week!!!


I'm sorry that I haven't been watching many of your teachings this year due to the circumstances, and I don't know if I can ever catch up with your teachings - one thing I know is that you are a faithful father to your spiritual children no matter where they are! 


With a heart of honour and gratitude, happy father's day to you Pastor Steve!!! Thank you!  


Shabbat Shalom to you and Pastor Evelyn!



Mike Shick

“What an encounter today, God was so alive when I got the revelation about the old ancient ways and path to Godliness.”

Yeah, it's was so cool.  The cry from her belly was the cry of many of our hearts. It's was all wonderful and the faithfulness of Judith to request and for you to respond. I couldn't stop crying myself.  And I would that you preached the whole night just like Paul. 

Theresa Billingsley

   Yessss soooo liberating.. The Truth that we know and understand shall make us free. Thank you for teaching us in such a way it was not way over my head to understand.. I am blown away. THANKS SO MUCH for sending teachings and I will be watching and logging on going forward.. I will watch replay of tomorrow. 

I just told my son how blessed I am by your teachings...I was also thanking God. Do you also teach Hebrew.. I purchased a book but don't know the details.. God told me to learn Hebrew about 20 yrs ago. I want to learn so when I read my Bible I can study Hebrew meanings and know symbolism and meanings 

Judith Kulcsar

“Thank you.”

Amen, deeply touched I sow people sobbing, sobbing  its the hearth of our father to heal restore many hearts.

Yes that email address is amazing, isn’t it.

"Get your life back 2022 ministry “, I have no idea what is next, I am dreaming,  big  that the heart of the father will heal nations, hospitals, courts, governments.

God is in the healing business! Poverty, pain and suffering is a curse 

Looking for a messianic church in Long Island NY Suffolk , Do you know any particular one ? Or anyone here in Long Island ? Like a mentor ? A couple or a lady who is on fire for God ?

 I need a Paul in my life, an accountability partner, to Chalange me in the things I need to be challenges.

My  prayer request:that I will know with fine clarity the will of God in my life.


I am a single mother, God is my husband and the father of my children.Two boys 19 Y and 14Y.

I am selling the home, since my ex husband  needs his money, and I am not willing to go in death to buy him out.

God is not a God of death and mortgage! 

Navigating trough a lot of decisions to be made. 

Thank you Pastor Steve and your beautiful wife .



The highly favored daughter of the Almighty King 

The bride go God 

Joyce Shellabear

Dear Pastor Steve

I want to thank you for your amazing teaching about Shavuot on Pastor Craig Hill’s ambassadors' meeting last Sunday morning. What an incredible morning it was: first the teaching and then the prayer that followed after that lady asked for prayer for the fatherless. All I can say is wow! Thank you for knowing exactly what that lady was saying and then taking it up and praying extensively - so many people were in need of that prayer.

There are so many things that I never knew and was never taught - such beautiful things. I love the analogy of the wedding ring and the wedding vows. I did not know that the Giving of His Spirit was in fact the same day as the Giving of the Torah at Mt Sinah.

Your prayer was very meaningful to me as I have been in battle for my daughter. I had been feeling very discouraged - the words of your anointed prayer have encouraged me so much. So much healing in that. I am also praying the Aaronic blessing and the schma (spelling?) over my children every day as well as the Lord’s prayer.

Pastor, can I ask you - if God has promised something i.e. in this case a spouse for my daughter, and after 10 years of prayer, still nothing. i am afraid we may be missing something that we have to do, or repent of. I have prayed so much about this. I felt God say to me about 2 weeks ago: beauty. Your daughter needs to know she is beautiful. Your prayer really addressed this; however, I cannot bring this healing to her, but God can.

With much thanks and appreciation,



“Men and women alike can gain from reading and applying the principles in this book.”

I really enjoyed this book. I wish there were more like it out there. It had lots of excellent information about how to become a better man (and even woman,) and steps to help you get there using sound doctrinal principals. Loved that. I would definitely recommend it. I love that this book came from classes that they teach in their church and that they had solid examples of how this could improve lives. It was clearly well thought out, and put together, which was obvious on every page. These people know what they’re talking about.

One thing I think could really help this book to reach a broader audience is if they used language more common to all Christians. Often the language used seemed very specific to one Christian faith but not all, which did trip me up a couple times as I’m from a different Christian faith. The biggest one being the use of “Yahweh,” instead of “God” or “Heavenly Father.” And there were a few others.

An excellent read. I will look for opportunities to share it. Thanks for writing this.

Monica Rubombora

“Helpful book for families.”

The traditional role of men in societies around the world is changing rapidly. So is that of women. Families, which used to be like tightly woven social fabric threads, are frayed. The hardest hit in this disintegration has been the pillar of the family: the man.

We seem to know that the family unit is losing the grip, but we do not know how to deal with the challenges that come with Western civilization.

Then a timely book, "Called to Be Men" by Pastor Steve and Pastor Deb comes along and addresses the issue that has been on the minds of many.

This book goes beyond the usual motivational messages that tend to become more pronounced on special occasions such as "Fathers Day." The authors have based it on a Biblical foundation that not only helps the reader to appreciate the issues at hand but also provides guidance of how to become a better father, husband, and steward of future generations.

As one Hosea 4:6 aptly states, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." This book will help the reader to increase the knowledge of the "Call to be men."

Crystal Martin

“A teaching treasure for the man in your life!”

My husband doesn't read, not usually. However, this is the book I will encourage him to read or I may read it to him. I love the line "What I find ironic is that we as broken men go to other broken men to try fix our brokenness", or, look to thier spouse who is looking to fix thier own brokenness around children's schedules, work and well, life.

This book was written with the heart of teaching. This books teaches the meaning of courage, fidelity and integrity and how God wants his people to live in order to receive blessing. This encourages leading your family by example and how to make the changes to be the example for your family. This is a deifinte must read for the man in your life.


“Establishing a home of honor and love.”

As a Christian therapist, I look for materials/ books/ articles that can offer men godly direction on becoming men of faith who offer their wives and children a godly example. This book has been an excellent resource and educates as well as equips men and women in understanding biblical roles as men and women. I especially appreciated the in-depth teaching on the role of blessings by fathers over their children and the damage that has been done in children of all ages lives by the lack and instruction on the way to correct it. I personally have already encouraged men I mentor or counsel to purchase this book. Thank you both!

Reading this Bible-inspired book made me feel like I was drinking from an oasis in a parched land. The authors portrayed a Biblical approach to godly manhood that is sorely needed today. Thank you for sharing this with our world, without apology.

Deborah R.

“A heartfelt thank you.”

David Vincent

“Saving your children from destroying their lives.”

Fathers need to know how to be Dads. Our culture often neglects training up men to be Dad's. This book does that. Men can develop courage to teach their kids between right and wrong. It just takes disciplining oneself to study God's word and being ready to apply God's principles when the need arises, which is every day. Dad needs to be there and be ready with a strong guiding hand in leading his family. This book makes it clear how Dad's can do that by knowing the word. There is no substitute. Nothing else will work. This book can make such a difference to your family's success.

Heather Ann Kimball

“Men need instruction and encouragement, this will help.”

I read this book because I am raising 2 young men. I believe this will help prepare them for life. I think it also gives me understanding how to encourage them and guide them. I came from a fatherless home and it definitely impacted my life. This book is awesome.