
Every donation to this ministry supports important causes like community outreach to address fatherlessness, which impacts us all, especially children. It promotes the need to return to Yahweh’s governance. Your contributions also help cover expenses like bills to maintain our gathering space. When donating, please indicate the purpose of your gift—it can be a tithe of 10% or an offering starting at 11% after the tithe. You can also donate to specific causes or support guest speakers. Our ministry is involved in various initiatives, including:

called to be men / proverbs 31 women

Committed to ending fatherlessness and promoting fathers' return to the home. Many of today’s social problems stem from the absence of fathers. Building up men and women into whom their partners value and their children honor.

Community 7

A local TV channel shows our services. We are the most watched broadcast on Community 7.

Walk in the good way podcast

A podcast featuring Called To Be Men alumni sharing their stories and answering questions from listeners. It also challenges common myths about popular Christian sayings that many people believe to be true.